Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Sally's Friends

I have been learning to use chunking to decode new words.  I read a story called Sally's Friends.  Here is my reading evidence and reflection.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

My Multiplication Learning

My Multiplication goal

I am learning to solve multiplication problems by using arrays and my doubles and halves knowledge.

Success Criteria
·       I can recognise the connection between repeated addition and multiplication
·       I can create an array for a multiplication problem
·       I can use an array to solve harder multiplication problems
·       I can use my doubles and halves to solve harder multiplication problems

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Subtraction Maths Goal

My Maths goal

I am learning to learn more about subtracting.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when I
·       use the reversing strategy when it is the easiest way
·       explore the equal addition strategy and explain why it works so well in some subtraction problems
·       explain my thinking with equipment, an empty number line, and mental strategies